AL-WALIY CHARITY FOUNDATION is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization located in Richmond, Virginia, United States of America with Federal Identification Number 923301987. We are a faith-based foundation whose primary focus is to relentlessly work towards improving spiritual and social wellbeing of the less-privileged communities in East Africa, and all our activities are conducted within the confines of the laws that govern non-profit organizations in United States of America.

The escalating poverty levels in most East African communities has deprived of our brothers and sisters of basic essential needs. The pandemics, wars, and corruption have all collectively led to a total breakdown of most public sectors in East Africa, ... Read More...

Meaning of AL-WALIY

AL-WALIY is an Arabic word with various translations to mean; the “master”, “protector”, “authority”, “custodian” “guardian”, and a “loving friend”.
On five occasions in the Quran, Allah SWT calls Himself Al-Waliy - The Ally and The Protecting Friend. He is the One who lovingly guards and guides His creations. Al-Waliy is the Lord and protector of creation, showing the path to righteousness. He is the One who protects, guards, and supports the believers in this life and the hereafter. He is the only One who provides sustenance to the needy and the poor through His other creations!

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